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Supporting EOSC
Co-funded by the European Union
Co-funded by UKRI

WP and People

Emma Lazzeri, GARR

WP1 Project management

(Sara Di Giorgio, GARR)

Sara Di Giorgio, Project Coordinator, Open Science Expert at GARR
Perform the technical and scientific coordination and manage the DMP

  1. Administrative & financial management (Sonia Pistolato, GARR)

  2. Technical & scientific coordination (Fulvio Galeazzi, GARR)

  3. Consortium Virtual Round-tables (Paolo Budroni, TU Wien)

  4. Project Data management plan Tomasz Miksa (TU Wien)

WP2 OS career profiles, skillsets, materials landscaping

(Dominique Green, DCC, Sara Di Giorgio, GARR)

Dominique Green, Research Data Specialist at the Digital Curation Centre, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom
Sara Di Giorgio, Open Science Policy & International Relations at GARR - The Italian Research and Education Network, Rome Italy

Define career profiles and Minimum Viable Skill sets for roles involved in facilitating Open Science, set a FAIRby-design methodology for creating learning materials and co-create a quality assurance and certification framework.

  1. Landscaping and mapping skills to  professional profiles (Angus Whyte, DCC)

  2. ELSI aspects in OS career profiles, skillsets and material (Luca Schirru, KU Leuven)

  3. Methodology for FAIR-by-design learning materials (Sonja Filiposka, UKIM)

  4. Learning materials quality assurance and certification (Eva Mendez, UC3M)

  5. Skills4EOSC Recognition Framework (Katrine Weisteen Bjerde, HK Dir)

  6. Monitoring and co-creation (Raimundas Tuminauskas, PSNC)

Dominique Green, DCC
Sara Di Giorgio, GARR
Ognjen Prnjat, GRNET

WP3 OS training for evidence-based policy

(Ognjen Prnjat, GRNET)

Ognjen Prnjat, Director, European Infrastructures and Projects at GRNET - Greek Research & Technology Network

Design and deliver “Science4Policy” courses for researchers, “honest brokers”, civil servants and policy makers.

  1. Open Science training for policymakers and civil servants (Ognjen Prnjat, GRNET)

  2. Learning paths for researchers and “honest brokers” on OS (Mario Locati, INGV)

  3. Science for Policy kit development (Sara Di Giorgio, GARR)

  4. Open Collections for policy goals (Himo Rainer, NHM-Wien)

  5. Workshops The Practice of Informing Policy Through Evidence (Elena Giglia, UNITO)

  6. ELSI elements in OS training for evidence-based policies (Luca Schirru, KU Leuven)

WP4 Curricula and learning paths for Open Science

(Eva Méndez, UC3M)

Eva Méndez, Associate professor, Library and Information Science Department at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Design and pilot learning paths for data professionals including data stewards, data librarians, data curators, and research support staff as well as other professional roles identified by WP2.

  1. Training curriculum for data stewards (Paula Martinez Lavanchy, 4TU.ResearchData)

  2. Learning paths for data professionals (Lorna Wildgaard, DKB / DTU)

  3. OS essentials at undergraduate level (TAU)

  4. OS ready PhD curricula (Eva Mendez, UC3M)

  5. Integrating ELSI in curricula and learning paths (Luca Schirru, KU Leuven)

Eva Méndez, UC3M
Irakleitos Souyioultzoglou, OPERAS

WP5 OS skills for RIs and thematic communities

(Irakleitos Souyioultzoglou, OPERAS)

Irakleitos Souyioultzoglou, PostDoc researcher, Panteion University.

Design and deliver advanced Open Science and Research Data Management courses tailored to the specific training needs of the scientific communities addressed by four use cases to draft recommendations for other discipline-oriented courses.

  1. OS and RDM skills for Research Infrastructures professionals (Maria Luisa Lavitrano, UniMIB)

  2. OS and RDM in the Social Sciences and Humanities (Irakleitos Souyioultzoglou, OPERAS)

  3. OS and RDM in the Solid Earth sciences (Rita Silva, EPOS)

  4. Consultation Workshops and Stakeholder Engagement (Sandro Fiore, UniTN)

  5. OS and RDM skills for Open Scientific Collections (Heimo Rainer, NHM-Wien)

  6. ELSI aspect in Open Science for Thematic Communities (Luca Schirru, KU Leuven)

  7. Thematic trainings recommendations (Irakleitos Souyioultzoglou, OPERAS)

WP6 Professional Networks for lifelong learning

(Curtis Sharma, 4TU.ResearchData)

Curtis Sharma, Skills4EOSC Community Manager.

Map existing professional networks and animate new ones to enable professionals to exchange knowledge, and best practices and foster lifelong learning, ensuring their growth and sustainability through national Competence Centers.

  1. Mapping of existing professional networks (Mareike Buss, DeiC)

  2. Development of starter kits for professional networks (Laurence Horton, UEDIN-DCC)

  3. Harmonisation and fostering the creation of new professionals (Curtis Sharma, 4TU.ResearchData)

  4. Data Stewards networks through national Competence Centers Competence Centres (Curtis Sharma, 4TU.ResearchData)

  5. Open Science Communities across Europe (Loek Brinkman and Anita Eerland, International Network of Open Science & Scholarship)

  6. Thematic networks - FAIR Data for AI (Curtis Sharma, 4TU.ResearchData)

  7. Thematic networks - FAIR Data for Health and Technology (Curtis Sharma, 4TU.ResearchData)

  8. Thematic networks - the Museum Curator Network for FAIR data (Heimo Rainer, NHM-Wien)

  9. Fellowship programme (Curtis Sharma, 4TU.ResearchData)

Curtis Sharma, TU Delft
Gabriella Paolini, GARR

WP7 European Competence Centres and user support networks

(Gabriella Paolini, GARR)

Gabriella Paolini, Training and E-learning coordinator at GARR - The Italian Research and Education Network, Rome Italy

Landscape the existing national, regional and thematic Competence Centers and create a light coordination structure among them (i.e. governing boards and procedures).

  1. Landscaping: Scoping and gap analysis (Lisana Berberi, KIT)

  2. Competence Centres Coordination network (Gabriella Paolini, GARR

  3. Collaboration, Coordination and Sharing Platform (Leonardo Candela, Isti-CNR)

  4. User support network (Alessandro Costantini, INFN)

  5. Sustainability of the CC network (Raimundas Tuminauskas, PNSC)

WP8 Synergies, stakeholder engagement, advocacy

(Arin Savran, UGOT)

Research Data Advisor at the Swedish National Data Service, University of Gothenburg.

Define and implement a strategy to engage and mobilise key stakeholders to co-create, validate and promote the adoption of the Skills4EOSC proposed curricula, methodologies and QA and certification frameworks. Enable synergies with the EOSC Partnership, the EOSC Association, and National, regional and EC programmes in the domain of EOSC, FAIR, OS and digital skills to support the cooperation activities, program future actions and explore sustainability paths.

  1. Stakeholder engagement (Katharina Flicker, TU Wien)

  2. Synergies with EOSC-relevant projects and initiatives (Ognjen Prnjat, GRNET & Bernd Saurugger, TU Wien)

  3. Enabling synergies with national, regional and EC programmes (Karolina Dostatnia, PSNC)

  4. Liaison with the EOSC Partnership (Juliana Giroletti, TU Wien & Ognjen Prnjat, GRNET)

  5. Advocacy kit for reaching out to funders and policymakers (Jeremy Azzopardi, Chalmers)

  6. Communications and outreach (Sara Di Giorgio, GARR)

Arin Savran, UGOT
Gabriella Paolini, GARR


(Luca Schirru, KU Leuven)

Luca Schirru, Postdoctoral Researcher in IT & IP Law

ELSI (Ethical, Legal and Social Issues) Meta WP will focus on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), Public Sector Information (PSI), Open Data, licensing, database rights, integrity, responsible and participatory research and its impact on society. It will also address the balance between sharing research results under the principle “as open as possible, as closed as necessary” and the impact on involved communities and individuals and the legal aspects deriving from mandates and regulations, policies and legislative interventions at all levels. ELSI aspect will be considered in OS career profiles, QA and certification mechanisms, skillsets and learning materials. The task will create a knowledge base enabling the creation of user-tailored ELSI learning materials, to ensure the correct use of IPR & licensing and the FAIRness of training material and ethical and social aspects. Embedding the meta-WP across project activities reflects the need for partners with specific expertise to have a deep dialogue with the rest of the consortium, and results in the inclusion of ELSI tasks in WP 2, 3, 4 and 5.