Materials for community review
Welcome to the Skills4EOSC materials review section!
The project has adopted a co-creation approach for its outputs, and for this reason, all deliverables are open for review and all research communities are invited to share their feedback and integrations through the EUSurvey platform.
Users’ feedback and insights are crucial for the successful development of the project as they will foster continuous improvements. This is why the time and effort dedicated to this review are greatly appreciated.
Skills4EOSC Recognition Framework Survey
Join us in shaping the Skills4EOSC Recognition Framework. Provide feedback on our proposed approach to rewarding and documenting Open Science skills. Your input will guide the final version, to be published in February/March 2025. Share your thoughts by March 31st, 2024. Thank you for contributing!
Skills4EOSC FAIR-by-Design Learning Materials Methodology - Open Survey
Please provide your input to improve the Skills4EOSC FAIR-by-Design Methodology and share your feedback on its practical implementation and stages to help us enhance our approach. Thank you for your valuable input!
1st Draft of Open Science Career Profiles and MVS - MS2.1
Skills4EOSC seeks to define the essential skills required for Open Science practitioners and policymakers to create an EOSC-ready European workforce. The core competencies and skills needed for each research-related role are outlined in the so-called Minimum Viable Skillset (MVS). An MVS may be associated with a career profile describing the needed disciplinary variations in skills and competencies, or guidance on the improvement in proficiency levels needed for a career path progression.
Your feedback is welcome on the content of this paper describing the MVS approach, including the format of the examples offered, their content, and the priorities identified for further profiles. Please use our EU Survey questionnaire to provide any comments or suggestions. The document is open for review until 31st March.
1st Draft of Fair-by-Design Methodology Learning Materials
We would appreciate your input on the first Draft Methodology for FAIR-by-Design Learning Materials. This methodology aims to facilitate the production of learning materials that adhere to the FAIR principles from the initial stages. It utilizes a backward instructional process and incorporates additional activities focused on implementing the FAIR guiding principles.
To ensure that the format effectively fulfils its purpose, we kindly request your participation in an online EU Survey questionnaire. Your comments and insights are valuable in shaping the future training on the practical implementation of this methodology. By collaborating with us, we can guarantee that the training aligns with the needs and expectations of the Open Science and EOSC community.
Please take a few moments to respond to the questionnaire, which is open until the 31st of May 2023. Together, let's contribute to the development of FAIR-by-Design Learning Materials and enhance their impact in the field of Open Science and EOSC.