Deliverables & Milestones
In this section, you find the Deliverables and Milestones published on the Zenodo Skills4EOSC Community.
MS 4.1 Pilot learning path for Data Stewards
Uploaded on December 17, 2024
Authors: van Leersum, Nida; Sharma; Saba Aguilar, Fernando; Winandi, Achim; Schubö, Fabian; Daniels, Nicky; Wildgaard, Lorna; Green, Dominique; Drążewski, Kasper; Filiposka, Sonja; Kjorveziroski, Vojdan;
This short report invites comments on the pilot training "Introduction to Ontologies," a module of the Data Steward Curriculum developed under the Skills4EOSC project. The hybrid session took place on October 29th, with participants attending in person at KIT, Germany, and online. The training introduced the concept of ontologies, their role in modelling knowledge, and their application in data management. It featured hands-on SPARQL exercises and required no prior knowledge. Feedback from participants is summarized in the report.
MS 3.2 Round Table for Parliamentarians and PA in Brussels
Uploaded on December 16, 2024
Authors: Gottwald, Isolde; Kiesel, Megumi; Linés, Clara;
This document reports on the event (MS3.2) held at the Vienna House in Brussels on November 6th, 2024. The event, a joint initiative with the Horizon Europe project TETTRIs, was expanded beyond its original format as a roundtable for policymakers. Titled "Empowering Europe’s Green Deal: Open Science Skills and Taxonomy for Sustainable Innovation," the Stakeholder Forum focused on how Open Science skills can support evidence-based decision-making, with an emphasis on taxonomy and its role in biodiversity conservation and the EU Green Deal.
MS 5.5 Piloted training modules for Open Collections
Uploaded on December 9, 2024
Authors: Kiesel, Megumi1; Rainer, Heimo; Linés, Clara; Whyte, Angus;
This document provides a summary of the pilot training ‘OS and RDM Skills for Open Scientific Collections,’ held online on September 24th, 2024. The training aimed to gather feedback from the community on the course's structure, format, and learning objectives. The course was designed for potential trainers who will train digital collection curators in GLAM institutions (galleries, libraries, archives, and museums).
D3.5 Open collection case studies and related material
Uploaded on November 29, 2024
Authors: Gottwald, Isolde; Whyte, Angus; Linés, Clara; Kiesel, Megumi; Rainer, Heimo; Vohland, Katrin; Wildgaard, Lorna; Souyioultzoglou, Irakleitos; Di Giorgio, Sara; Prandoni, Claudio;
This Deliverable highlights how Open Collections support evidence-based policymaking in biodiversity, pollution, climate change, and cultural heritage. While they offer valuable insights, challenges like fragmented access and ethical considerations must be addressed. Recommendations include sustainable funding, Open Science skills, and citizen engagement, urging policymakers to use these resources responsibly to tackle global challenges and build societal trust.
D7.2 Sample of services toolset: a practical guideline
Uploaded on November 27, 2024
Authors: Candela, Leonardo; Green, Dominique; Lembinen, Liisi; Linés, Clara; Vudragovic, Dusan; Zimniewicz, Michal; Prandoni, Claudio; Di Giorgio, Sara
This Deliverable outlines a minimal set of tools and technologies that support Skills4EOSC Competence Centres in achieving their objectives. These tools are categorized into four main areas: (i) training management, (ii) collaborative work, (iii) publishing, and (iv) virtual laboratories. The document also includes recommendations to guide Competence Centres in selecting suitable tools and services for their communities.
Skills4EOSC Policy Brief
Uploaded on October 30, 2024
Authors: Di Giorgio, Sara; Lazzeri, Emma; Green, Dominique; Evangelinou, Betty; De Mello Castro Giroletti, Juliana; Savran, Arin; Gothlin Illsley, William
This policy brief enables EU-funded projects, such as Skills4EOSC, to contribute to the advancement of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), to report on progress and to provide input for further policy analysis and development by the European Commission.
D5.3 - Learning Path and Training Materials on "Open Science and Research Data Management in Solid Earth Sciences"
Uploaded on September 4, 2024
Authors: Cocco, Massimo; Michalek, Jan; Nedrebø, Harald; Stuebe, Karl Christian; Tanlongo, Federica
Coordinated set of guides, fact-sheets and FAQs on ELSI aspects of OS for civil servants and policy makers - final version. This deliverable is the update of D3.6 bearing same title.
Learning Path and Training Materials on "Open Science and Research Data Management in Solid Earth Sciences" - Training Facilitator Guide
Uploaded on September 4, 2024
Authors: Cocco, Massimo; Michalek, Jan; Nedrebø, Harald; Stuebe, Karl Christian; Tanlongo, Federica.
Learning Path and Training Materials on "Open Science and Research Data Management in Solid Earth Sciences" Additional Resources For Trainers And Trainees
Uploaded on September 4, 2024
Authors: Cocco, Massimo; Michalek, Jan; Nedrebø, Harald; Stuebe, Karl Christian; Tanlongo, Federica.
D3.7 Coordinated set of guides, fact-sheets and FAQs on ELSI aspects of OS for civil servants and policy makers - final version
Uploaded on August 30, 2024
Authors: Schirru, Luca; Colcelli Valentina; Brizioli, Sabrina; Karabuga, Emircan; Fernandes, Elora; Margoni, Thomas
Coordinated set of guides, fact-sheets and FAQs on ELSI aspects of OS for civil servants and policy makers - final version. This deliverable is the update of D3.6 bearing same title.
D5.4 OS and RDM learning paths for Climate change communities
Uploaded on August 30, 2024
Authors: D'Anca, Alessandro; Maltese, Vincenzo.
D5.2 OS and RDM learning paths for Social Sciences and Humanities communities
Uploaded on August 30, 2024
Authors: Mystakopoulos, Fotis; Avanço, Karla; Souyioultzoglou, Irakleitos; Gingold, Arnaud; Sokolova, Elena; Delmazo, Carol
Milestone - Pilot learning path for Data Stewards
Uploaded on August 18, 2024
Authors: Wildgaard, Lorna; Derksen, Benjamin; Hansen, Karsten Kryger; Hadrossek, Christine; Jannik, Joanna; Antoine, Diane; Bernier, Mathilde; Sharma, Saba; Leersum, Nida van; Janiska, Agnes.
This report provides a summary of the pilot ToT Learning Path for Data Stewards. It highlights the training's content, delivery, and areas for improvement, and discusses alignment with the MVS Data Steward competency profile developed within the project.
D8.2 Skills4EOSC Advocacy Kit
Uploaded on April 8, 2024
Authors: Azzopardi, Jeremy; Giglia, Elena; Damiano, Rossana; Garavelli, Sara; Alanko, Maari; Souyioultzoglou, Irakleitos; Gingold, Arnaud; Mystakopoulos, Fotis; Delmazo, Carol; Melidis, Alexandros; Sharma, Curtis; Green, Dominique; Whyte, Angus; Janik, Joanna; Hadrossek, Christine; Antoine, Diane; Di Giorgio, Sara; Lazzeri, Emma.
The "Skills4EOSC Advocacy Kit" advances Open Science (OS) skills to policymakers and funders, ensuring sustained policy backing and funding for OS Competence Centres. Developed collaboratively, it offers versatile materials - text, video, and presentations - under a CC BY 4.0 DEED license. Designed to influence decision-making, the kit adapts its advocacy to diverse stakeholders, aiming for lasting impact beyond the project's scope.
MS4.5 - ELSI requirements for Open Science ready Institutions
Uploaded on March 29, 2024
Authors: Schirru, Luca; Méndez, Eva Maria; Brizioli, Sabrina; Colcelli, Valentina.
This report details the collaborative work undertaken for the development of learning paths for legal and ethical experts aimed at Open Science-ready institutions.
D8.4 Dissemination, exploitation and communication plan - intermediate version
Uploaded on March 28, 2024
Authors: Di Giorgio, Sara; Lazzeri, Emma; Green, Dominique; Evangelinou, Betty; Méndez, Eva; Souyioultzoglou, Irakleitos; Sharma, Curtis; Anastasopoulou, Nana; Galeazzi, Fulvio.
This deliverable describes the intermediate report on the dissemination, communication, and exploitation efforts of the Skills4EOSC project.
Skills4EOSC Competence Centre Charter
Uploaded on August 31, 2023
Authors: Lazzeri, Emma; Di Giorgio, Sara; Lines, Clara; Gingold, Arnaud; Gaido, Luciano; Prnjat, Ognjen; Sharma, Curtis; Berberi, Lisana;Candela, Leonardo; Schirru, Luca; Karla, Avanco; Irakleitos, Souyioultzoglou.
This document present the first draft of the Skills4EOSC Competence Centre Charter
D2.4 Skills4EOSC Recognition Framework - first iteration
Uploaded on December 31, 2023
Authors: Weisteen Bjerde, Katrine; Green, Dominique; Bjønnes, Lars; van Leersum, Nida; Filiposka, Sonja; Kjorveziroski, Vojdan; Janik, Joanna; Hadrossek, Christine; Bernier, Mathilde; Sowinski, Claire; Torres-Ramos, Gabriela; Antoine, Diane; Mendez Rodriguez, Eva Maria; Lavitrano, Marialuisa; Whyte, Angus; Di Giorgio, Sara; Lazzeri, Emma.
This report describes the first version of the Skills4EOSC Recognition Framework for trainers’ accreditation and recognition.
D3.3 Guidelines and best practices for honest brokers
Uploaded on December 31, 2023
Authors: Locati, Mario; Tanlongo, Federica; Evangelinou, Betty; Dotta, Giulia; Cocco, Massimo; Cacciaguerra, Stefano.
This document outlines guidelines and best practices for Honest Brokers, emphasizing the advantages of Open Science practices. It identifies challenges they face, such as accessing reliable information and managing uncertainties, and explores how Open Science resources can improve their effectiveness.
D2.2 Methodology for FAIR-by-design training materials
Uploaded on August 31, 2023
Authors: Sonja Filiposka, Dominique Green, Anastas Mishev, Vojdan Kjorveziroski, Andrea Corleto, Eleornora Napolitano, Gabriella Paolini, Sara Di Giorgio, Joanna Janik, Luca Schirru, Arnaud Gingold, Christine Hadrossek, Irakleitos Souyioultzoglou, Carolin Leister, Gina Pavone, Saba Sharma, Eva Maria Mendez Rodriguez, Emma Lazzeri.
Deliverable D2.2 outlines a six-stage workflow for creating FAIR-by-design learning materials for EOSC, incorporating best practices for reusability and quality. It addresses legal, metadata, interoperability, content structuring, and accessibility issues, along with quality assurance checkpoints and stakeholder feedback.
D2.3 Community-endorsed quality assurance and certification framework for professional training and qualifications - first iteration
Uploaded on August 31, 2023
Authors: Marina Sánchez, Eva Méndez, Sara Martínez, Gema Bueno, Iñaki Ucar, Angus White, Katrine Weisteen Bjerde, Emma Lazzeri.
This deliverable introduces the initial version of the Quality Assurance and Certification Framework (QAF) for Open Science professional training and qualifications.
D6.2 Network starter kit
Uploaded on August 31, 2023
Authors: Laurence Horton, Curtis Sharma, Evgenios Vlachos, Thea Marie Drachen, Karsten Kryger-Hansen, Sara Di Giorgio, William Illsley, Jeremy Azzopardi, Emma Lazzeri.
D6.2 plays a vital role in enabling the creation of new, professional, and sustainable communities while also providing support for the growth of existing networks. Within the context of the Skills4EOSC Competence Centre network, professional networks are recognised as a valuable resource for continuous learning through peer engagement.
D7.1 Report on CCs landscape and user support activities
Uploaded on August 31, 2023
Authors: L. Berberi, Iñaki Ucar, Sara Di Giorgio.
This deliverable presents the results from the landscaping of existing European Competence Centres, analysis results and user support activities.
D3.1 Policy makers and civil servants training plan
Second version
Uploaded on February 29, 2024
Authors: Nana Anastasopoulou; Betty Evangelinou; Katrine Weisteen Bjerde; Lars Bjonnes; Sonja Filiposka; Dominique Green; Marina Sanchez Moreno; Elena Giglia; Ognjen Prnjat; Sara Di Giorgio; Lazzeri, Emma.
Deliverable D3.1 - Policymakers and civil servants training plan, is a document that describes the general overview of the plan of the training activities related to policymakers and civil servants during the project.
D2.1 Catalogue of Open Science Career Profiles - Minimum Viable Skillsets
Uploaded on June 30, 2023
Authors: Whyte, Angus; Green, Dominique; Avanço, Karla; Di Giorgio, Sara; Gingold, Arnaud; Horton, Laurence; Koteska, Bojana; Kyprianou, Katerina; Prnjat, Ognjen; Rauste, Päivi; Schirru, Luca; Sowinski, Claire; Torres Ramos, Gabriela; van Leersum, Nida; Sharma, Curtis; Méndez, Eva; Lazzeri, Emma.
This deliverable reports initial steps towards a catalogue of Minimum Viable Skillset (MVS) Profiles. These describe key skills and competences for roles that enable researchers, professionals, and stakeholders to practice Open Science (OS) with the support of the European Open Science Cloud.
D3.6 - Coordinated set of guides, fact-sheets and FAQs on ELSI aspects for Civil Servants and Policy Makers
Uploaded on May 31, 2023
Authors: Schirru, Luca; Colcelli, Valentina; Brizioli, Sabrina; Karabuga, Emircan; Fernandes, Elora; Margoni, Thomas.
This deliverable provides materials for Science4Policy training in the form of guides, fact-sheets and FAQs on ELSI aspects including but not limited to ethical issues, Intellectual Property Rights, Public Sector Information and Research Data, Licensing, Database Sui Generis Rights, and Personal Data Protection. This first version focuses on general issues and that may be of interest of both civil servants and policy makers, amongst other relevant profiles, like researchers, data stewards and legal and ethical advisors.
Draft Methodology for FAIR-by-Design Learning Materials (Milestone)
Uploaded on April 28, 2023
Authors: Filiposka, Sonja; Green, Dominique; Mishev, Anastas; Kjorveziroski, Vojdan; Corleto, Andrea; Napolitano, Eleonora; Paolini, Gabriela; Di Giorgio, Sara; Janik, Joanna; Schirru, Luca; Gingold, Arnaud; Hadrossek, Christine; Souyioultzoglou, Irakleitos; Leister, Carolin; Lazzeri, Emma.
This document describes a methodology for FAIR-by-design production of learning materials based on the backward instructional process that is extended with additional activities focusing on the implementation of the FAIR guiding principles. A general discussion on important aspect of implementation.
D8.1 MoU or Letter of Intent on key cooperation topics
Uploaded on February 28, 2023
Authors: Giroletti, Juliana; Budroni, Paolo; Prnjat, Ognjen; Galeazzi, Fulvio; Schirru, Luca; Drees, Tim; Lazzeri, Emma; Di Giorgio, Sara.
This deliverable will serve as a guidance to all members of the Skills4EOSC consortium and to possible future collaborators. The present document aims to offer three collaboration models to establish partnerships and/or cooperation aimed at collaboration, knowledge sharing and content enrichment in the activities proposed by the Skills4EOSC project.
D8.3 - Dissemination, exploitation and communication plan – initial version
Uploaded on February 28, 2023
Authors: Tanlongo, Federica; Di Giorgio, Sara; Budroni, Paolo; Garavelli, Sara; Bertazzon, Elis; Lazzeri, Emma.
This Deliverable describes the first dissemination, communication and exploitation plan for the project Skills4EOSC.
D6.1 Mapping of existing professional networks
Uploaded on February 1, 2023
Authors: Buss, Mareike; Athanasaki, Evangelia; Bernier, Mathilde; Drachen, Thea Marie; Fogtmann-Schulz, Alexandra; Hadrossek, Christine; Horton, Laurence; Janik, Joanna; Moldrup-Dalum, Per; Pasquale, Valentina; Schöller, Emily Thorsson; Sharma, Curtis; Torres Ramos, Gabriela; Ulfsparre, Sanna Isabel; Vlachos, Evgenios;
Skills4EOSC harnesses professional and thematic networks of peers as vehicles for lifelong learning and for building and sustaining the EOSC-ready digitally skilled workforce. This deliverable provides an overview of the current landscape of Open Science related professional networks in Europe.
D1.1 Data Management Plan
Uploaded on December 23, 2022
Authors: Miksa, Tomasz; Jaber, Samah; Ashley, Kevin; Teperek, Marta; Di Giorgio, Sara; Lazzeri, Emma.
This deliverable is the initial Data Management Plan (DMP) for the Skills4EOSC project, delivered in M4. It will be kept updated as a living document. The DMP addresses the relevant aspects of the management of data and other outputs produced by the project, according to the principles outlined in the Embedding Open Science in the Skills4EOSC Methodology section.