Skills4EOSC Competence Centres Network Registry
The Skills4EOSC Competence Centres Network is a coordinated network of Competence Centres across Europe that provides key competencies to enable the practice of Open Science and EOSC.
These Competence Centres serve as a single point of reference in their respective countries, regions or thematic domains for finding training programmes and materials, best practices and tools for managing, reusing, sharing and analysing FAIR data and other digital research objects.
As part of our commitment to promoting EOSC and Open Science, Skills4EOSC provides each CC with a Training of Trainers programme targeting different profiles, ranging from policymakers to data stewards, researchers to professionals, and legal and ethical advisors, on a variety of topics and domains such as Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues (ELSI) aspects, RDM workflows in different disciplines, and more.
Is your organisation providing OS training and guidance? Join our network and help advance the practice of Open Science and EOSC in Europe. Contact us to learn more about what we offer and how to get involved.