Open Science Competence Center OSCC

- Link and contact
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - Establishment year
- 2018
- History
- Open Science Competence Center (OSCC) was established at the Gdańsk University of Technology Library in 2018 as part of the Bridge of Data project the European Regional Development Fund co-financed under the Operational Program Digital Poland 2014-2020: ‘Bridge of Data. Multidisciplinary Open Knowledge Transfer System - Stage II: Open Research Data. The OSCC was established to fill the gap in scholarly communication support at scientific institutions. The Open Science Competence Center is a contact point offering help and support services for “sharing” research culture. The Center provides various training, consultancies, and other events promoting the idea of opening science and trying to popularise its benefits, such as broader collaboration, increasing usage and citations of scientific articles and data, faster impact, and greater public engagement. OSCC supports researchers on every stage of the data life cycle and over-preserved data regarding its compliance with FAIR and CARE principles. These activities include correcting metadata, improving and standardizing descriptions, helping in data versioning, and converting data to new formats for reusability improvement. OSCC maintains a research data repository certified by CoreTrustSeal and Digital Pathology (Virtual Microscope) for DIACOMS images and an OA repository for publications and other linked digital resources.
- Skills4EOSC CC Entry since
- 2024
- Organization/unit structure, e.g.
- OSCC is organised as a support team at Gdańsk Tech that includes data specialists, and librarians.
- Competences
- Overview of open research data (FAIR and CARE principles, research data lifecycle)
- Data Management Plans (national and EU grant applications)
- Thematic aproaches to sharing data (scientific discipline approach)
- Metadata
- Legal support (data licensing, data protection, reusing data, ethic)
- Open Science policy and governance
- Scientific evaluation and recognition
- Open Scholarly Communication
- Open Access, Plan S (implications and requirements)
- Financing publishing in Open Access model (institutional and national initiatives and programmes)
- Open Educational Resources
- Using the Open Research Data Catalog – Bridge of Data Repository (depositing datasets)
- Individuals and Institutions/Organizations
- OSCC was created within Gdańsk Tech Library, its tasks are carried out by an experienced team of data specialists and librarians. The team consists of about 10 people.
- Services offered
- OS related training, workshops and consultations
- Research Data Management support and advice
- Information and knowledge building
- Usage of services and tools
- Resources
- OSCC website, MOST Wiedzy - Open Research Data Catalog Policy and Information
- Operational Tools
- MOST Wiedzy (also known as Bridge of Knowledge – https://mostwiedzy.pl/en/) with Open Research Data Catalog – https://mostwiedzy.pl/en/open-research-data/catalog – a CoreTrustSeal certified data repository for multidisciplinary research
- Digital Pathology (Virtual Microscope) - https://wirtualnymikroskop.mostwiedzy.pl/
- Is part of EOSC ecosystem?
- The Gdańsk University of Technology is a member of the EOSC-A since September 2020. It is included in the pilot EOSC national node for 2025