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Supporting EOSC
Co-funded by the European Union
Co-funded by UKRI


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Establishment year
The RDM@KIT was established in 2016 alliance between the Research Services Department of the KIT Library and the Scientific Computer Center (SCC) at KIT for supporting and consulting in research data management infrastructures. In the same year, the RDM policy was adopted at KIT to emphasize the topic of research data management. Other KIT departments joined the alliance of RDM experts in the following years.
Skills4EOSC CC Entry since
Organization/unit structure, e.g.
RDM@KIT is a strong partner in RDM and Open Science for all researchers and research projects within KIT – The Research University in the Helmholtz Association, but also at state, national and international level. The RDM@KIT team collaborates with national and international groups and communities to establish contacts, share knowledge, and build expertise in RDM and Open Science. With the platform we offer the most important German-speaking information platform on RDM. Other partnerships and collaborations exist within the University alliances EUCOR, EPICUR, Unite!, EUNIS and with European projects for Open Science and RDM as aUPaEU or FAIR-Impact etc. With re3data we are hosting together with Purdue University and Datacite the global registry of research data repositories.
The KIT Library supports research, teaching and innovation by ensuring the information supply at KIT. The KIT Library meets the challenges of the digital world and constantly enhances its attractiveness to users through innovative technology and individual services. Information services focus on supporting the entire research process, on creating attractive learning spaces and on promoting information literacy.
SCC is the Information Technology Center of the KIT Center for Data Intensive and the Analysis of Large-Chargeable Data with high national and international visibility as well as an innovative and agile IT service provider in the KIT. The SCC was founded in 2008 as a merger of the data centers of the university and the Karlsruhe Research Center. Since the beginning, the SCC has consistently interfered with research and services in such a way that knowledge from research is incorporated into the design and development of its IT services and infrastructure and, conversely, benefits research from close integration.
  • Research data management, FAIR principles, data management planning tools
  • Open Access and Open Access repositories
  • Research Data Repositories
  • Training, consultation, knowledge building
  • Coordination, networking, dissemination
  • Legal and ethical questions in RDM, Open Access, Good Scientific Practice
Individuals and Institutions/Organizations
The RDM@KIT expert team consists of members from: KIT Library, Scientific Computer Center (SCC), Research Software Engineering Community at KIT (RSE), Research Office (FOR), KIT Archive, Office for Good Scientific Practice and Ethical Principles, Digital Office, Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration, Data Stewards of Clusters of Excellence.
Services offered
  • RDM and OS training courses (also “on demand”)
  • Support and advice (funding applications, Open Consultation hours etc.)
  • Contact point for legal issues at RDM
  • Guides, guidelines and good practices
  • Community engagement events
Training materials, articles etc., e.g. on
Operational Tools
re3data, OA-repositories for research data, publications and OER, DMP tool (Research Data Management Organiser), GitLab, MSTeams as a cloud platform (sharepoint, office applications), bwUnicluster from Large Scale Equipment, ILIAS (Learning Management System).
Is part of EOSC ecosystem?
KIT Library and the Scientific Computing Center (SCC) are partner in different EOSC projects (Skills4EOSC, EOSC Beyond, AI4EOSC); SCC is partly hosting the EU Node of the EOSC Association.