The webinar "Making Training Materials Matter: Introducing the FAIR-by-Design Methodology" will take place online via Zoom on Friday,14 March, from 10:00 to 12:30 CET. It is open to all researchers interested in best practices for developing FAIR learning materials—Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.
If you have missed the webinar, the recording is now available!
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Jointly organised by the Skills4EOSC and ATRIUM projects, this session will introduce a structured approach to creating learning materials that align with FAIR principles. Hosted by Sonja Filiposka, the webinar will present a six-stage FAIR-by-design workflow to ensure training materials meet these standards. The session is particularly relevant for researchers seeking to:
- Improve the quality and impact of their learning resources
- Define and apply metadata schemas for training materials
- Publish materials in relevant repositories and training catalogues
The Skills4EOSC Project has developed a FAIR-by-design methodology to enhance the reusability and quality of learning materials within the research community.
Building on previous EOSC initiatives, this approach integrates best practices from learning platform implementation, self-paced course development, metadata schema definitions, and training catalogue integration. A six-stage workflow extends traditional instructional design, embedding FAIR principles at every step.
About the speaker
Sonja Filiposka is a full professor at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering (FINKI), Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. A strong advocate for Open Science, she serves as the national EOSC promoter and leads the University Open Science Centre. She is a skilled trainer and regional training organiser with over a decade of experience in Open Science and EOSC research projects. Within Skills4EOSC, she leads the FAIR-by-Design methodology for training materials.
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