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Supporting EOSC
Co-funded by the European Union
Co-funded by UKRI

Workshop: "Minimum Viable Skills Profiles: Implementation using FAIR Signposting

| Sara Di Giorgio | news

On 2nd July 2024, from 15:00-16:00 CEST, registration for the workshop is free but mandatory. Register now!

The Catalogue of Minimum Viable Skillset (MVS) Profiles outlines key skills and competencies essential for roles that enable researchers, professionals, and stakeholders to practice Open Science (OS) with the support of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Each MVS Profile links essential skills to the OS practices, activities, and outcomes typically expected for the role.

To ensure the increased FAIRness (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) of the MVS Catalogue, we have followed the recommendations for implementing FAIR Signposting. This lightweight yet powerful approach optimizes the MVS Catalogue landing page for machine agents navigating the scholarly web, describing metadata related to the profiles in a standards-based way. As a result, machines can learn about the persistent identifier of the MVS Catalogue, its content, and the metadata that describes it.

This webinar will provide an overview of the Catalogue of MVS Profiles developed within Skills4EOSC and demonstrate how the project implemented the FAIR Signposting approach developed by FAIR Impact. This implementation allows automated agents to more easily read and understand the profiles. The workshop offers a great opportunity to discuss and explore how you can adopt a similar approach to benefit from the MVS Profiles and/or describe and make available other types of work and materials.

This event is organized in collaboration with the FAIR Impact project.
