Registration and Welcome Coffee
09:00 - 09:30
Opening Remarks
09:30 - 10:15
Welcome, [Host Organization]
Gilles Mathieu (Recherche Data Gouv deputy director, French Ministry of Higher Education and Research)
Javier López Albacete (Directorate-General Research & Innovation, European Commission)
Ourania Skondra, Skills4EOSC Project Officier TBC
Keynote Speech
10:15 - 10:45
Pierluigi Sacco Professor of Biobehavioral Economics, University of Chieti-Pescara
Driving Change: Building Skills for a Collaborative Open Science Future
10:45 - 11.00
Sara Di Giorgio, GARR, Skills4EOSC Project Coordinator
Overview of the Skills4EOSC outcomes and the development of Competence Centres in support of the EOSC ecosystem.
The Role of Competence Centres in the EOSC ecosystem
11.00 - 11:15
Volker Beckmann, French Ministry of Research
Description of the Competence Centre, its activities, and its role in EOSC Federation. The talk highlights the importance of training, support and competence building within EOSC. It shows that the EOSC Federation can only work if the proper level of support is behind it and if competencies are available and shared.
Coffee break
11.15 - 11.45
Short refreshments before shooting.
Panel Session: Upskilling next-generation researchers: a conversation with competence centres in the EOSC era
11.45 - 12.30
As the EOSC Federation advances, researchers must adapt to evolving Open Science and FAIR research skills. This session gathers experts from national and thematic competence centres to discuss strategies, challenges, and best practices for upskilling researchers and strengthening training infrastructures in the EOSC era.
Moderator: Emma Lazzeri, CNR
- ICDI (Valentina Pasquale IIT, Giulia Caldoni UNIBO) TBC
- Gilles Mathieu (Recherche Data Gouv deputy director, French Ministry of Higher Education and Research)
- GRCC (Evangelia Athanasaki, GRNET)
- OSCARS, (Romain David CNRS) TBC
- OSCC, Magdalena Szuflita, Polish Open Science Competence Center
Empowering EOSC through skilled Data Stewards: when Open Science training matters
12:30 - 12:45
Eva Mendez, U3CM
Introduction to the role of Data Stewards in the EOSC ecosystem and their impact on open science practices.
Connecting Innovators: Networks Supporting Data Management Excellence
12:45 - 13:00
Curtis Sharma (TU Delft) and Giulia Caldoni (Bologna University)
Overview of the Data Steward Network/Communities and their collaborative initiatives to support data management in research.
Lunch break
13.00 - 14.30
Harmonizing Curricula and Preparing Learning Resources: Methodologies for Effective Training and Upskilling
14.30 - 14.45
Kevin Ashley, DCC
Panel session: Open science from the bottom to the top: Upskilling all the actors of open science
14:45 - 15:45
Moderator: Arnaud Gingold, OPERAS
Competence Centre Representatives
- Decision makers [Betty Evangelinou - GRNET]
- OPERAS, SSH training courses [Fotis Mystakopoulos, OPERAS]
- Universities: [José Manuel Vega. Skills4EOSC trained PhD student at UC3M]
- Heimo Rainer (NHMW)
Closing Remarks and Conference Conclusion
15:45 - 16:00.
Claudio Prandoni, GARR
Future perspectives for EOSC training and Competence Centres' role in the next development phase